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So This is Basically Sonic the Hedgehog
Basically the Sonic Movie: The COMPLETE SERIES (Sonic the Hedgehog Movie Animation Parody)
Something About Sonic The Hedgehog ANIMATED (Loud Sound & Flashing Light Warning) 🔵💨
GAMER SONIC HAHAHA!! Sonic Reacts So This is Basically Sonic the Hedgehog
Charmy Reacts to So This is Basically Sonic the Hedgehog
So This Is Basically Sonic The Hedgehog by JelloApocalypse | Aychristene Reacts
Infinite Reacts to So This is Basically Sonic the Hedgehog - OH GOD!!!
The Ultimate “Sonic The Hedgehog” Recap Cartoon
Sonic & Shadow Reacts To So This is Basically Sonic the Hedgehog!
You know Sonic the Hedgehog?
How SONIC THE HEDGEHOG Should Have Ended
DAT FACE THO!!! Sonic Reacts Basically the Sonic the Hedgehog Movie (Sonic Movie ANIMATION)